Things on a meta level, like site meta and other info.
This blog is 4 years old today! A personal retrospective!
Happy Birthday to me... blog!
Happy Birthday to me... blog!
This is a short article to test and announce the use of the WordPress ActivityPub plugin.
My site is now being served with HTTP/3, which automatically means it's being served over QUIC, but what does that mean? Originally called "HTTP over QUIC" was later renamed to "HTTP/3" to make clear it's the new thing. But it's a pity QUIC isn't mentioned anymore because that's the amazing [...]
The website is currently being worked on so it might look broken temporarily!UPDATE: I would say the maintenance is complete for now. Let me know what you think of the new site!
I thought the PayPal donation button looks ugly and I think there were some privacy issues with it, too. So today I've set up Liberapay and Ko-fi as alternatives. The fun thing is that in the end, I'll be paid out with PayPal anyway. But this way, with a middle [...]
I do care for the privacy and security of my readers, which is why I had to make a change... Remember my previous post about how I'll improve things further by - amongst others - self-host the PayPal donation button? I did that now, so that no request gets made [...]
Just a quick update to let you know that I am awesome!And you are safe! A friend of mine, checked my score on and congratulated me on an "A"... ...I didn't know I scored an "A", and was upset that it was just an "A"! But I was also [...]
Just a quick update. I restructured the site and been cleaning it up and getting the technicalities sorted out. I also improved the looks a little. The contact page is updated and out of maintenance. I also got rid of as much of externally loaded content as possible. Now everything [...]
This is a post to see how well I can post from my phone. Why? Because before this post I used Jetpack, a plugin by, or "automattic". Jetpack allowed me to use the WordPress app but it also included tracking and slowed down the website. Which is why I [...]
You can now subscribe to my blog by email, and get notified whenever I post a new article! Simply sign up using the form in the side bar. IMPORTANT UPDATE Turns out email subscription was not only handled by the plugin Jetpack but it also went through their servers. Overall [...]