Running your own AI in-house – Part 3 – LLM/LVM – Ollama on Telegram
In this quick guide I'll show you how to connect Ollama to Telegram with a pre-made bot – ready to use!
In this quick guide I'll show you how to connect Ollama to Telegram with a pre-made bot – ready to use!
You'll learn how to use an NFS share as Docker volume
As it turns out, you can assign a pseudo tty when using docker run and still put it into the background and I'll show you how and why you might want to do so! You probably know the following docker run parameters: -t : Allocate a pseudo-tty-i : Keep STDIN [...]
I created a Docker image with a build script, ready to use! Pulling my image My Docker image is public on Docker Hub and thus can be pulled easily with the following command (for 1.17): docker pull sindastra/spigotmc-build If you want to build older versions of Spigot (1.11.2 - 1.16.5) [...]
By default, Docker uses for its default docker0 interface, which can be problematic if your network or a network you want to reach is on the same subnet as Docker. I will show you how to change Docker's network in a jiffy! Requirements Available subnet to assign to DockerPermission [...]
Update 2020-November-12 I used to suggest using the image openjdk:8-alpine but it wasn't updated in a year, so I now suggest using openjdk:8-jre which seems to be actively maintained! I also added "nogui" at the end of the command as Spigot does now accept and understand it. Like the previous [...]
Update 2020-November-12 I used to suggest using the image openjdk:8-alpine but it wasn’t updated in a year, so I now suggest using openjdk:8-jre which seems to be actively maintained! Moving your existing server to Docker! This guide assumes you already have a Minecraft server set up on your host machine. [...]