In-place root encryption (Linux)
Today I'll show you how to encrypt an existing root partition on Linux, using Ubuntu 22.04 as an example system.
Today I'll show you how to encrypt an existing root partition on Linux, using Ubuntu 22.04 as an example system.
Disable cronjob email spam, while still monitoring things!
A quick fix for SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP in OpenWrt
Today we'll install Borgmatic on a Synology NAS!
We will install BorgBackup as client on a Synology NAS.
You can easily install PIP on a Synology NAS.
Let's statically cross-compile nano!
In this guide, I'll show you how to connect your Linux server to a Synology UPS server.
Background If you grew up in the 90s you might remember "PC Speakers", not to be confused with "computer speakers", the ones that you plug into a 3.5mm jack and use to listen to things, and instead I mean those small built-in speakers that could play basic sounds, and with [...]
A hidden gem, that's what it is! You see, I always liked how Synology has a web interface that is like a desktop, with windows and applications that really make you feel like you're "computing in the cloud". Of course a Synology NAS has its limits as to what you [...]