Docker volume as NFS client
You'll learn how to use an NFS share as Docker volume
You'll learn how to use an NFS share as Docker volume
In a recent blog post I had to recover a deleted file from a public git repository to share with you. Today I will show you how it's done. In this particular case, I needed a file with old UDEV rules. I knew the name and location of the file [...]
An SPF record is basically a DNS record of the TXT type, which contains information about who may send email from your domain. It is used to avoid spoofing and spam. So how does it work? Basically, when a (decent) email server receives an email that is supposedly originating from [...]
Don't let just "anyone" issue a certificate for your domain! If you run your website, you probably secure it with HTTPS (if not, you really should). And if you're techy and smart, you're using Let's Encrypt to do so. This would mean that Let's Encrypt is your CA (Certificate Authority). [...]
Just a quick one to improve things! Beginning January 2020, will give you a grade B if you still have TLS 1.0 or 1.1 enabled, as it's considered insecure. The following is an example warning you might see: Screenshot of warning on So let's disable that weak stuff, [...]
If you use Threema, you probably know of the "Threema Web" feature.But did you know it's open source? So what's Threema Web? It's basically a web application, that connects with your phone and allows you to chat on your desktop through the browser. You can see all your chats in [...]
Now that we covered virtualization on Mac, let's go over to Windows! Microsoft Hyper-V If you have Windows 10 Pro or better (includes Education and Enterprise), then you already have a native virtualization option on board! To enable it, simply open a PowerShell as administrator and type in following command: [...]
Just wanted to share a one-liner on how to encrypt a device,partition or volume with cryptsetup (dm-crypt/luks)and options to get you started! The idea is simple: You create a crypto container on a disk/partition/volume/file/whatever, you then unlock that container, and then mount that container to a folder. When you're done [...]
Here's a list of OpenVPN clients I recommend for various platforms. Windows Use the official open source community client. Mac Use the open source Tunnelblick client which is both OpenVPN and GUI in one app. Linux Use your distribution package or compile OpenVPN from source. Android I [...]
What is HSTS and do I want to enable it?If you are a website owner or admin, keep reading to know more! Imagine you are browsing to your online banking page. You are redirected to HTTPS automatically every time, you sign in and do your business privately and all is [...]