How to enable HSTS on Apache2

It's way too simple! HSTS further protects your HTTPS enabled website. Read on to figure out how enable it in Apache2 and also why you want it! Prerequisites HTTPS already working with legit certificate, no browser errorsApache mod_headers enabled Enabling mod_headers On a Debian based system, simply run: a2enmod headers [...]

By |2020-01-31T12:17:54+01:00October 15th, 2019|Tech Support|0 Comments

I got rid of the PayPal donation button

I thought the PayPal donation button looks ugly and I think there were some privacy issues with it, too. So today I've set up Liberapay and Ko-fi as alternatives. The fun thing is that in the end, I'll be paid out with PayPal anyway. But this way, with a middle [...]

By |2019-10-14T18:33:40+02:00October 14th, 2019|Meta|0 Comments

GitHub unlimited private repos?!

Oh, wow! I missed it! Things change... Since the beginning of 2019, GitHub is offering unlimited private repos.Somehow I had missed it! I love GitHub, I use it since 2011 and I prefer it over other Git hosting sites but I never used it for private repos, as I didn't [...]

By |2019-10-13T19:36:30+02:00October 13th, 2019|Sharing|0 Comments

Virtualization on Windows

Now that we covered virtualization on Mac, let's go over to Windows! Microsoft Hyper-V If you have Windows 10 Pro or better (includes Education and Enterprise), then you already have a native virtualization option on board! To enable it, simply open a PowerShell as administrator and type in following command: [...]

By |2019-10-12T10:23:54+02:00October 12th, 2019|Review, Tech Support, Wiki|1 Comment

Virtualization on Mac

Just a quick one to share some options on virtualization on Mac. VMware Fusion Pro Although paid software, this is what I recommend going for, especially if you want to virtualize an ancient OS. Unlike some alternatives VMware provides drivers even for some ancient guest OS, so you can run [...]

By |2019-10-11T23:36:14+02:00October 11th, 2019|Tech Support, Wiki|0 Comments
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