How to get FileVault 2 running on your CustoMac

Enabled FileVault on your "Hackintosh" CustoMac and can't boot any more? Follow this guide! FileVault2 Logo Ideally you'll want to follow this guide before enabling FileVault to avoid headaches. ;) If you already broke things, you'll have to boot from either the Mac OS Recovery or a Linux install (can [...]

By |2019-10-12T00:11:57+02:00September 7th, 2019|Tech Support|Comments Off on How to get FileVault 2 running on your CustoMac

And a Logo for the Blog!

I thought a logo would be nice, so I created one with the software Affinity Designer! Sindastra's info dump Logo revision 1 See the word (letter) play? ;) Pun intended! Took me a few minutes to make, it's nothing special, but it's definitely nicer to have a logo that represents [...]

By |2019-10-12T00:12:23+02:00September 7th, 2019|Meta|Comments Off on And a Logo for the Blog!

Privacy Policy and GDPR

I do care for privacy and security, so of course I had to create a privacy policy (and it's kind of required by the law... but I'm no lawyer)! Turns out WordPress is GDPR compliant since version 4.9.6 (I'm using a newer version, so it's compliant!) and it even includes [...]

By |2019-09-09T10:44:53+02:00September 7th, 2019|Meta|Comments Off on Privacy Policy and GDPR

Why I moved from to self hosted WordPress

I started this blog yesterday for free at, and I thought it's great to finally have started that blog I always wanted to. But I now moved to self-hosted on and here's why. Moving from to Self-Hosted WordPress First, it's nice that WordPress provides "free" hosting in [...]

By |2019-10-12T00:13:48+02:00September 7th, 2019|Review|Comments Off on Why I moved from to self hosted WordPress

DVB-T2 scan file for Germany

Raspberry Pi TV HAT (source: I just wanted to post a scan file really quick, which includes initial tuning data that can be used with (dvb)scan and tvheadend in Germany. What's special about this file is that it includes all possible frequencies for DVB-T2 in Germany. DVB-T2 in Germany [...]

By |2019-09-09T22:51:36+02:00September 6th, 2019|Tech Support|Comments Off on DVB-T2 scan file for Germany

Introduce Yourself, Blogger!

This post has been updated on 9th of September. Hello, I am Sindastra and I welcome you to my blog! Who? I am a software developer and now I am trying to start off as a blogger and therefore I created this website right here! Too often did I create [...]

By |2019-10-12T00:14:36+02:00September 6th, 2019|Meta|1 Comment
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